LinearTicks EXTENDS
(Defined in: jpgraph.php : 4237) Class usage and Overview
Internal class that handles the drawing and formatting of the tick marks on each axis. This class is accessed through it'sinstance variable in the scale, e.g.
Note: When you manually specify a scale you must also specify the major/minor tick intervall.
See also related classes:
LinearScale and LogScale
Class Methods
function GetMajor()
Return major step size in world coordinates
Return major step size in world coordinates
$majintervall = $graph->xaxis->scale->ticks->Getmajor();
function GetMinor()
// Return minor step size in world coordinates
Return minor step size in world coordinates.
$majintervall = $graph->xaxis->scale->ticks->Getmajor();
function Set($aMajStep,$aMinStep)
// Set Minor and Major ticks (in world coordinates)
Argument | Default | Description |
| | Distance between major tick marks |
| Distance between minor tick marks |
Set Minor and Major tick intervall (in world coordinates)
function SetTextLabelStart($aTextLabelOff)
Which tick label should we start with?
Argument | Default | Description |
| | The number thaht the automatic textscale should start with. |
Normally text labels start at 0. However, automtic text labels can be started with an arbitrary number as specified with the argument to this method.